HBI Office Solutions - Office Furniture - Bryan/College Station & Huntsville, Texas

HBI Office Solutions Blog

Archive by month: 2019-9Return
In addition to the multiple shifts in furniture design we’ve written about recently, there are shifts in the actual layout of offices that can really speak to the employees, clients, and anyone who steps foot in your work space. HBi lists 10 different ways to think about your work space and layout to recharge and refocus your organization.The NewsroomA key feature of the newsroom layout involves large clusters of desks, flexible seating, and open space to allow for movement, hustle, and bu...
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Your company has decided you are ready for a change; your current layout fails to meet your needs and your goals truly align with a redesign for the office. What comes next after the decision has been made? The steps you take are important. HBi Office Solutions has 5 tips that will help guide you in the planning process.
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